1)  Number sets (including counting/             24) Quadratic formula
     natural, whole, integers,
     rational, irrational, and real)                     25) Complete the square

2)  Field Axioms and Equality Axioms,         26) Discriminant, significant values
     and definitions of operations                          and their meanings

3) Absolute value of a perfect square            27) Absolute value

4)  Terms (and like terms)                            28) Vertical motion formula and  problems

5)  Factors (and common factors)                29) Order of Operations

6)  Evaluating by substituting values              30) Multiplication property of zero,
     for variables                                                  and converse

7)  Transforming and solving                        31) Open sentence

8)  Additive inverse (opposite)                     32) Linear equations

9)  +, -, x, / signed numbers                         33) Problem solving (traditional and non-traditional)

10) multiply by -1                                        34) General & standard forms of equations

11) Multiplicative inverse (reciprocal)           35) Set notation

12) Distance formulas, horizontal,                 36) Addition and multiplication
      & vertical                                                     properties of equality

13) Numerical coefficients                            37) Equation of the axis of symmetry

14) Domain, range, and relations                  38) Relatively prime

15) Graphics calculator                                39) Domain and range of variables

16) Identity, and conditional equations,         40) Polynomials by degree and number

17) Prime numbers                                       41) Multiplying polynomials, and FOIL

18) Factoring (all kinds)                                42) Introduction to Functions

19) Conjugate binomials & difference           43) Binomial squared & perfect square
      of two squares                                              trinomial

20) Closure axiom                                        44) Absolute value equations

21) Quadratic expressions & equations         45) Square root of a product

22) Vertex of parabola (max/min)                  46) Equation of the axis of symmetry

23) Factorability checker                              47) Abscissa & ordinate